Cement Silos to Maintain a High Quality of Dry Bulk Cement

The storage technique used in preserving dry bulk cement matters a lot in any cement processing industry. Various techniques exist, one common one being the use of cement silos. This method has been considered one of the most convenient methods when it comes to cement storage, especially when long term needs are being considered.

While other methods like the use of storage bags and containers may seem cheaper, they could cause innumerable losses by compromising the quality of cement sold to clients. Cement silos on the other hand may be expensive, but they use a vacuum air-tight storage mechanism, which makes them efficient. They also store large cement densities, making them unprecedented.

Here are some more facts, about cement silos, the storage technique that should be used by all cement manufacturers:

1. They provide Efficient Conveying methods.

Cement silos use pneumatic conveying pipes to inject cement into the silos, which automates the process, making work easier. Per day, this conveying belt could store up to an impressive 400 tonnes of cement in the silos. Additionally, the feeding pipe is sloped at an angle, and this ensures uniform superposition and distribution of cement. It also guarantees good fluidity and low bulk density.

2. They undergo a quality testing process.

After the cement is manufactured, a physical test is usually carried out in 6 stages. These stages involve sampling of output cement, compared to the high-density deposited cement brought into the silo through the input ports. The average quality of cement is measured to see its value after storage and how this compares to value before storage. This again guarantees high quality in the purchase of cement silos.

Through previous tests, it is appropriate to mention that cement silos for sale have maintained the physical properties of cement manufactured even after storage. This means that quality remains the same, though research has shown that when stored for longer periods (28+days), the flexural strength of the cement decreases slightly. On the flip side, however, the compressive strength increases. In a nutshell, cement silos give top-notch qualities of dry bulk cement.

cement silos for sale

3. They come in various sizes and storage capacities.

Just like many other industries, cement manufacturing companies differ in scale. Some produce larger bulks than others. Rightfully so, cement silos come in different sizes and when a high-end manufacturer takes your cement silo order, they offer customization options, depending on your customer preferences. They also guarantee short construction times which saves on labor and time during construction, which means the cost of purchase is reduced. Get details on website: https://bestonconstruction.com/cement-silo-for-sale/.

4. Benefits of Cement silos.

Comparatively, cement silos are cheaper to buy since they offer a longer service life, are durable, and easy to maintains. They are also efficient in the process of cement storage and give high-quality cement which gives back value for money spent. Cement silos also do well in a wide range of environmental conditions, which makes them appropriate for various kinds of climates and geologies.

Finally, they have a user-friendly interface. This is through an electric control system that automates the storage process. Additionally, they also monitor the humidity, pressure, temperature, and material level inside the bolted silo.